Swimming with the Avalanche


CSI has organized a Colorado Swimming Night with the Colorado Avalanche! The game will be on Sunday April 3rd 2011, at 6:00 pm. This will be a great night out for your swimmers and clubs. We encourage you to participate in this event and support the swimming community as we show our pride at the Avalanche game. The Avalanche have arranged for a great discount on each ticket, and are including a free Avalanche swimmers cap with each ticket! So not only will you get a great deal but it comes with a gift.

This can also be a simple fundraiser for your club too with a portion of each ticket price going back to your club. As and added bonus the club that sells the most tickets will win an opportunity for 5 people to watch warm ups from the Penalty Box! To arrane for your club to fundraise please call our Avalanche ticket rep Bill Schaeffer at 303-405-6186 or bschaeffer@pepsicenter.com