Athlete Protection Update from USA Swimming

USA Swimming remains very concerned about a server overload in the last week or two of December trying to accommodate a large number of people.  We are now at just over 13,000 completed of the 30,000 total who will need to complete the course in order to renew for 2012.  That is 60% of our non-athlete membership that still needs to complete the course.  We have run the numbers on each LSC and only 7 LSC's have had more than 50% of their non-Athlete membership completed.
Please help spread the word and continue to encourage your membership to complete the course.  It is required in order to renew for 2012.  It is free.  It takes one hour and once you have completed it, you have satisfied this requirement for two years.
Thanks for your help and support of the athlete protection program.  It is a community effort and USA Swimming really appreciates your help. 
Clicking on the following link for directions on how to do the Athlete Protection course.